Imagin, the morning comes and you're dragging yourself out of bed from trying to clean up the house late the night before, after being at work all day, taking everyone to practice and appointments then making dinner. Now your running through the house trying to get yourself and everyone else ready for the day. Rush that shower. Get the kids out of bed. Rush getting dressed. Were's that top that goes with these slacks? Now your mate can't find their laptop. Ug, you hear the kids arguing over the bathroom. Away you run to settle the kids, back you go to help your mate.
You realize what time it's gotten. Throw on whatever top you can. Run downstairs to throw some cereal on the table for everyone. Throw on your coat. Oh, you realize you forgot your work bag in the den. Then back to the door rushing everyone out to the car only to realize no one knows where the key fob is!
Does this sound something like what you go through day after day? Living like this can put strain on an individual and on the relationship between family members or at work with the boss and co-workers. However, things can be different if we learn a few techniques to employ with regard to organization, then we can begin to relive some of that stress. Like having a specific place to store items, such as key fobs and bags for work, hanging on hooks near the door and training ourselves and family members to hang them there as soon as you come in.
Or to help with making it easier to pick up the house at the end of a long day, you can place baskets in strategic places around the house for members to set items in that belong in another room. Then you can grab the basket and put items away as you go.
Being organized is not going to help solve all your problems in life but it can help improve many things. It can help improve nightly routines to get better sleep and morning routines to have less stress getting out the door. Getting to work and school on time and calmly and to be more refreshed to do your work or helping work mates solve problems that arise at work. So, let's all of us, relive some of that stress by learning some organization.